
Indel Bauru declares its commitment with an environmental correct performance, controlling the impact of its activities, products and jobs at the environment.

The Indel Bauru environmental policy is based on ISO 14001 and the Environmental Management Standard (EMS) adopts the following principles:

– Continuously analyze, revise and improve the EMS;
– Fulfill the current law and applicable related to the environmental aspects of our activities, products or services;
– Always work targeting the prevention of the pollution, and the rationalization of the use of natural resources – Promote and collaborate with the materials recycling;
– Provide training to our employees to awareness about the importance of their jobs and responsibilities in reaching the EMS, about the environmental impacts of their activities, and potentials consequences of non-observance of operational procedures;
– Keep a open dialogue with our suppliers, to spread our Environmental Protection Policy.

This policy is the Indel Bauru Industry Eletrometalurgica Ltda commitment with preservation and protection of the environment as part of a sustainable development.


INDEL BAURU meets all of the requirements of NBR ISO 9001:2015 and ANAB Quality Management.